Hearing Aid Frequently Asked Questions
Will a hearing aid restore my hearing to normal?
No. Hearing aids will augment residual hearing but do not “correct” the permanent hearing loss that is present. However, our digital instruments are specifically programmed for your hearing loss based on the hearing test results obtained at the time of your evaluation. Follow up visits during the adjustment period allow us to monitor your progress as you acclimate to the sounds in your daily listening environment. Hearing aids can help make a marked improvement in communication abilities, and result in a better quality of life.
Is it true that most people with hearing loss cannot be helped by hearing aids?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! In the past, many people were incorrectly advised that hearing aids could not help those with sensorineural or “nerve” type hearing loss. Even individuals with milder hearing loss can benefit from regular use of hearing aids. However, untreated hearing loss can deprive the brain of important auditory input, resulting in diminished comprehension and increased listening effort. Social engagement can also be affected.
With all of the choices and different prices available, how do I select the best hearing aid?
Our audiologists will help you to select the hearing aids that are most appropriate for you. This will depend on your type and degree of hearing loss, along with lifestyle and communication needs. The various types of hearing loss are described on this page of the American Speech Language Hearing Association's website.
Hearing aid pricing is based on features present in the hearing aid. The more features a hearing aid has, the more quickly and efficiently it will react to and process sounds in different listening situations. This includes background noise. Of course, more features also result in a higher priced hearing aid. The various styles of hearing aids are shown on this page of the Cleveland Clinic's website.
What is the average life span of a hearing aid?
The life of a hearing aid is approximately 5-6 years. Most will need some tune ups, general cleaning and repairs during this period. Our audiologists will be there to support you throughout the life of your hearing aids.
What are Over the Counter (OTC) hearing aids?
These hearing aids were introduced after Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 2022. They can be purchased online or at a retail facility. OTCs are for use only by patients age 18 years and older with “perceived mild to moderate hearing loss.” Formal hearing tests and ear examinations are not required. These instruments are self-fitting, taking the professional component in hearing aid fitting and follow-up. This can be problematic, especially in cases of more complex hearing loss and communication needs. Audiologists who provide services at our offices have vast experience fitting hearing aids based on lifestyle and communication needs. We also provide critical follow-up for the lifespan of the hearing aids which is critical for patient success.
How do our services differ from those provided at big box retail stores?
This is a matter of looking at price alone vs. value. We provide comprehensive hearing assessments performed by experienced audiologist who have been with the practice for many years. This is critical for an accurate hearing aid fit. A wide variety of hearing aid manufacturers and styles are available. We offer the most up to date products featuring rechargeability, bluetooth streaming and use of apps when appropriate. Our philosophy is to provide extensive post-fitting care and regular maintenance visits for the life of the hearing aids. We also provide products to help manage tinnitus and offer accessories to further enhance communication performance.
We look forward to helping enhance your communication abilities and quality of life through hearing aids!